Are you using the common and regular red and green Christmas theme again? You’re bored with the usual Christmas colors right? Christmas draws nearer and you want to change things out to make this Christmas even more memorable.
Or is it that the style and decor of your home lends itself to celebrate a pink Christmas? Either way, I came across these three fabulous pink Christmas lights to add to your pink Christmas.
Have a very pink Christmas and you might inspire your neighbors with your theme or they might decide to do a blue Christmas theme. Imagine if you had one house pink and one house blue and it alternated all the way along the street. That would be funny.
Pink is certainly a new modern twist for a Christmas theme and sure to get noticed. You can set it up to revisit your romance with your spouse, or make your little child happy by making a pink Christmas a reality for them.
You can pick other pink Christmas decorations to match the pink Christmas lights or mix and match pink with another color that suits. You can go all out pink or choose pink as just one of the colors in your Christmas theme.
Where To Use Your Pink Christmas Lights For Maximum Impact
Why not start with a huge Christmas tree in your living room. Then, make the tree more pleasing to the eye by decorating it with angels, ribbons and baubles in pink along with the pink Christmas lights.
How cool would that be! Get some pink Christmas lights that flicker on and off. A little tip for you is that if you are going to combine colors then pink works well with a white or silver tree.
Another great idea is to put Christmas lights outside your porch or verandah. You can consider varying the height of the lights so they look like stalactites hanging in one line from one end to the other. You can also get this impact hanging from a wall and you can also get Christmas light clips to help.
Pink Christmas lights also look fantastic wrapped around a tree trunk in the front yard or around stair rails or porch rails. Why not do white Christmas lights from the verandah and pink along the railing? Some Christmas lights are water proof so very suitable for outdoors.
It is possible to have a total Pink Christmas as the pink Christmas decorations are more widely available than they used to be.
So make a gorgeous pink statement in your neighborhood this Christmas. Say goodbye to red and paint the town pink; well at least your house and garden.